Temple Beth Elohim, Brewster New York - conducted presentation to students in religious school grades 6-8

Somers Middle School, NY - conducted presentation to Special Education Parent Assoc. (SEPTA) and the regular PTA

Panelist in Concord NH at "A Community Conversation for Adults on the Netflix series: 13 Reasons Why" 

Stratford School District, CT - parent presentation

Danbury School District, CT - Mental Health staff members (psychologists, counselors, social workers)

Scott's Ridge Middle School, Ridgefield, CT - parent group

Western CT State University - Education Club students

Brookfield Publice Library, CT - community residents including parents, students, various school staff members

Congregational Church, Brookfield, CT - teen youth group

New Milford Public Library, CT

Whisconier Middle School, CT - for grades 7, 8, 9 (BHS)


  • "Keep on doing this!"

  • "Very moving and eye opening."

  • “Do you go to schools and share this story?” “As a parent,it was very interesting to hear what the younger girls were saying and sharing.”

  • “Maybe have a slide with suggestions how to talk to a friend that’s struggling.”

  • "Thank you for sharing this and helping me start a dialogue with my middle school daughter."

  • "This was a good presentation that really shows the ways your actions positive or negative can impact someone."

  • "I was a facilitator- The big impact of this was that it was your story - it was an actual story -

  • "We could have easily spent the entire day discussing this topic. As a parent and a social worker, I'm all too aware of how bullying plays out in the schools and affects students and their families.""You did a great job."

  • "Please advertise after this presentation. Offer it to a broader group of parents of all different ages."

  • "For the future, I suggest adding a component that asks the audience to talk in small groups, consider Alexa's story and consider ways to intervene that may have altered the outcome."

  • "This would be meaningful for students in middle (8th) and high school."

  • “Offer to alll middle and high schoolers.”

  • “This needs to be presented to all staff, esp. Gen. Ed. teachers and paras to increase awareness of everyday behaviors in classroom, playgrounds, cafeteria, etc.